Hey Decor Friends,
This week I answered a couple questions about accessories on a Facebook live. We chatted about how much I spend and where I purchase them . Today I wanted to encourage you, because the world is so weird and stores are somewhat unpredictable with their stock, to think about purchasing online, more specifically through Amazon.
Let me back up by saying I do not spend a lot of money on accessories for my home. I like to change things out too frequently. I do however try to find objects that I can re use and repurpose throughout the year.
Here are a couple examples of a few fabulous items I have bought online and had delivered to my door this month.
I’ve included the links in case you want to check them out yourselves. This set of unfinished beaded garland is the perfect accessory to have year round. They can be used several different ways. View on Amazon.
And a fabulous box of frames. I chose the light grey option but there are several other color ways to select from. They come in 3 different sizes. You can’t go wrong with these. Decor friends, with the holidays fast approaching and shopping being so wack a doddle this year, who wouldn’t loved a framed pic of your kids, grandchild or fur baby for the holidays. Quick, snatch these up before they are gone.
~ Designer Tip ~
Remember when decorating using odd numbers makes our eyes happy. This is a box of 5!! Woo hoo! Theses are being used in a bathroom.

There you have it decor friends, Two of my favorite accessory finds on amazon.
Happy Shopping,