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If Your Walls Could Talk

Hello Decor Friend,

Welcome to our final week of the top 3 decor mistakes. The past two weeks we talked drapery and area rugs, and the common mistakes that are made when purchasing and styling these decor elements. If you missed those posts you can find them here;

Today we are going to talk about art and the most common errors made when hanging art.

Hanging artwork too high on a wall happens more times then not. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you put a hole in your wall.

Tip #1: Hang at Eye Level

You’ve probably heard that artwork should be hung at eye-level. But whose eye-level? Someone who is 5’2”…  or 6’7”? Here’s a rule that art galleries around the world use: Always display the artwork’s center 57 inches from the floor. NOT THE CEILING, the floor.

A metal measuring tape is essential, for hanging artwork, ESPECIALLY if you are hanging several pieces in a grouping.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

Tip #2: Don’t Hang at Eye Level

Here’s an exception to the 57-inch rule: When hanging artwork above furniture, such as a sofa or bed, the bottom of the frame should be between six to eight inches above the top of the furniture.

If this place’s the center of the artwork higher than 57 inches? It’s OK!!!

Tip #3: Keep Things in Proportion

Of course, when hanging art above larger pieces of furniture, it should be in proportion.

An individual piece or layout of multiple pieces that are about a third of the furniture’s size is the general rule of thumb. Otherwise, the artwork will appear too small or too large. The scale of your room will be thrown off if your artwork is not proportionate.

This visual may be helpful...

Well there you have it friends. Tips to ensuring you do not fall into the artwork hung wrong group!

Bye for now



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